10 Inspirational Quotes To Get Set For Back-To-School And Fall Productivity

It’s back to school season, and I’m finally in fall mode. Besides New Year’s Day, this is my favourite time to set goals and re-orient myself. Aside from all of the new notebooks, stationery, and pencils (who doesn’t love shopping for those!), it’s a great chance to start fresh.

And what’s even better? Autumn is the most beautiful time of year. If you’ve ever gazed at the river valley (or other water body) as everything is around is changing into reds, oranges, and yellows, you know what I mean. You can probably tell that Autumn is my favourite season (aesthetic wise at least).

So, to celebrate and get us set for this new season, I’ve handpicked and designed 10 backgrounds with inspirational quotes. Feel free to use these as your phone wallpaper, or pin them on Pinterest! They’ve got various styles, so you can switch up your background depending on how you’re feeling.

Cannot be put into better words. This quote by poet Mary Oliver captures it all. There’s so much potential, beauty, and value in your life. What will you do with it?

Just a fun background to get you into the fall vibes.

A cute quote from Winnie the Pooh that reminds us of the beauty of taking risks.

Life is good. Even though the workload is coming back (as heavy as ever), it’s always important to remember this. Take breaks, and enjoy life. Don’t forget to laugh and smile.

Do you hear that word a lot too? CONSISTENCY. We all struggle with it sometimes, but it really is the root to success. You will never achieve success by doing something a few times, without putting your heart and soul into it. You need to be consistent.

This is hopefully the push you’ve been waiting for. Growth will never come from comfort. As humans, we all yearn for growth; it’s part of our natural instinct and the way we’re built. If you want fulfillment-if you really want to reignite your life-break through that comfort zone.

The biggest thing in life? Make sure what you do truly makes you happy.

This is the year to MAKE. IT. HAPPEN.

The best way to spread happiness, exude confidence, and create great first impressions is through a smile. So wherever you walk, don’t forget to smile. 🙂

Sometimes when we do things, and it doesn’t end up going the way we wanted it to go. This quote, I hope, will give you the power to remember your dreams, harness them, and to keep working at it. Whatever you do, don’t stop. I promise, if you don’t give up on those dreams, they will come true one day.

Which was your favourite background? Any other quotes you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments!

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